
I am Róbert Karikó, owner of the Ltd. I have started my business in 2015, which organizes hunting events mainly in Hungary. I have more than 30 years of professional hunting experience, which is a guarantee for a good hunt. I am at home in all regions of Hungary and therefore I can offer the most optimal offer to the interested parties. Contact me with confidence so that you can be part of these hunting experiences as soon as possible!


  • Jagderlebnis Ltd.
  • Karikó Róbert
In all cases the price includes 27% value added tax (VAT)!


Mouflon ram price list

Mouflon ram can be hunted all year round!

Horn length/cm Basic price- EUR +EUR/mm
-49.9 cm 500
50,0-59,9 cm 700 3
60,0-69,9 cm 1000 8
70,0-79,9 cm 1800 9
80,0-89,9 cm 2700 17
90.0 cm- 4400 20

Mouflon ewe and lamb: 100 €

Wounding 50%
Lead 20 EUR/day/hunter