
I am Róbert Karikó, owner of the Ltd. I have started my business in 2015, which organizes hunting events mainly in Hungary. I have more than 30 years of professional hunting experience, which is a guarantee for a good hunt. I am at home in all regions of Hungary and therefore I can offer the most optimal offer to the interested parties. Contact me with confidence so that you can be part of these hunting experiences as soon as possible!


Process of the organisation

Line Shape

How we work

Choosing an area to hunt

From the hunting areas on offer, you choose the one that suits your needs the best.

Preparing the contract for hunting

The contract is made in three copies, one for the guest, one for the organizer and one for Jagderlebnis Ltd.

The hunt

The hunt shall take place in the hunting area of your choice for the game species you have specified.


Payment is made in EUR or HUF and must be made within eight days of the invoice being issued.