
I am Róbert Karikó, owner of the Ltd. I have started my business in 2015, which organizes hunting events mainly in Hungary. I have more than 30 years of professional hunting experience, which is a guarantee for a good hunt. I am at home in all regions of Hungary and therefore I can offer the most optimal offer to the interested parties. Contact me with confidence so that you can be part of these hunting experiences as soon as possible!


  • Jagderlebnis Ltd.
  • Karikó Róbert

I. Special spring and summer hunts for wild boar and red deer (hind)!

In Nógrád county between 04.01. - 08.10.


  • Red deer (hind): 80 €/pc
  • Wild boar up to 49 kg: 120 €/pc
  • Boar sow over 50 kg and wild boar up to 11.99 cm: 200 €/pc
  • Wild boar over 12.0 cm: 650 €/pc
  • In all cases wounding is considered as a kill!


  • 40 €/round with off-rad vehicle
  • Trophy preparation and evaluation 35 €/pc
  • Accommodation and board on request!

In all cases wounding is considered as a kill!

II. Special spring roe buck hunting!

In Csongrád-Csanád, Bács-Kiskun and Nógrád county between 04.15. - 05.31, 2004.

The hunting package is for two days, 4 rounds!

The prices in the package apply ONLY to the kill of 350 g AND SMALLER roe bucks. If the killed buck is heavier than 350 g and the lead did not indicate this to the hunter, it is a mistake of the organizer and SHALL NOT MEAN EXTRA COSTS for the guest! However, if the lead indicates in advance that the buck is heavier than 350 g (after signing the contract amendment!), the kill shall be paid in accordance with the price list (this does not affect the number of pieces in the package).

If no bucks are killed due to the fault of the organizer, only the basic price shall be paid! (400 €/package). If the hunter does not opt for at least one from the 4 opportunities offered during the hunt, the price of the first package shall be paid!

The package includes:

  • - Kill of 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 or 6 bucks up to 350 g,
  • - Organization,
  • - a foreign hunting permit,
  • - accommodation with breakfast,
  • - movement on the hunting area,
  • - lead
  • - trophy preparation and evaluation!

In case of domestic hunter, the package includes:

1 buck up to 350 g 575 €
2 bucks up to 350 g 890 €
3 bucks up to 350 g 1200 €
4 bucks up to 350 g 1,500 €
5 bucks up to 350 g 1790 €
6 bucks up to 350 g 2070 €

In case of foreign hunter, the package includes:

1 buck up to 350 g 700 €
2 bucks up to 350 g 1015 €
3 bucks up to 350 g 1325 €
4 bucks up to 350 g 1625 €
5 bucks up to 350 g 1915 €
6 bucks up to 350 g 2195 €

In all cases wounding is considered as a kill!

III. Special autumn hunt for out-of-class red deer stag, doe and wild boar!

In Nógrád county between 10.01. - 02.28.

  • I. Each red deer doe and wild board up to 49 kg - 100 €/pc
    Boar sow over 50 kg and wild boar up to 11.99 cm - 250 €/pc,
    Wild boar over 12.0 cm - 650 €/pc.
  • II. Red deer stag up to 4.99 kg - 500 €/pc,
    each red deer doe and wild board up to 49 kg - 90 €/pc
    Boar sow over 50 kg and wild boar up to 11.99 cm - 230 €/pc,
    Wild boar over 12.0 cm - 630 €/pc.
  • III. Red deer stag between 5.00 kg - 5.99 kg 800 €/pc,
    each red deer doe and wild board up to 49 kg - 80 €/pc
    Boar sow over 50 kg and wild boar up to 11.99 cm - 210 €/pc,
    Wild boar over 12.0 cm - 610 €/pc.
  • IV. Red deer stag above 6 kg - 10%

In case of all animals included in the package wounding is considered as a kill!

Payables for all packages:

  • - 40 €/round with off-rad vehicle
  • - Trophy preparation and evaluation 35 €/pc
  • - A foreign hunting permit, 130 €/a 30-day permit
  • - Roe deer doe: 30 €/pc
  • - Accommodation and board on request!

In all cases wounding is considered as a kill!